Exposição & Tech Focus
09h30 - Registration
10h20-10h40 - Skin microbioma- more than a claim - Elena Ilinca, Timo Dijkstra, Keyser & Mackay
10h40-11h00 - Raman spectroscopy – new applications on skin in-vivo evaluation - Pedro Contreiras Pinto, PHd Trials
12h00-12h20 - Redefining Beauty: Smart solutions for digital generation - Agnès Subirats, Eugenia Alvaro, Inquiaroma
16h00-16h20 - Deciphering Clinical Data: Transforming Findings into Tangible Claims - Marta Ferreira, Inovapotek
16h20-16h40 - Revolutionizing Cosmetic Production: Energy-Saving Technologies and Turnkey Solutions - Lorenzo Gatti, Marchesini Group
08h30-09h00 Registration
09h00-09h30 Opening Session
Rui Santos Ivo, President of Infarmed – National Authority of Medicines and Health Products
Helder Mota Filipe, President of Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society (to be confirmed)
Marta de Oliveira Ferreira, President of the Portuguese Society of Cosmetic Sciences (SPCC)
09h30-13h00 SESSION 1 – The Next Level of Sustainability: Innovations in Green Cosmetics
Chair: Carlos Maurício Barbosa, Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto
09h30-10h00 Conference - The Green Deal impact on Cosmetic Regulation
Mark SMITH, NATRUE – International Natural & Organic Cosmetics Association
Oral communications
10h00-10h15 Valorization of spent coffee grounds in the cosmetic industry using deep eutectic systems - Carolina Costa
10h15-10h30 Lignin-based Pickering emulsions as innovative and eco-friendly systems for cosmetic applications - Giovana Colucci
10h30-10h45 Exploring the synergy Between Natural Mineral Waters and Natural Extracts: a Sustainable Approach to Skin Aging - Ana Sofia Oliveira
10h45-11h00 Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD): Life Cycle Assessment Methodology Applicability to Cosmetic Packaging - Arthur Ribas Sales
11h00-12h00 Networking coffee-break, poster and exhibition visit
12h00-13h15 Round-table - Sustainable Formulas: Facing Challenges, Seeking Opportunities
Ana Maria Couras, Association of Cosmetics, Perfumery and Body Hygiene Industries (AIC)
Alexandra Moreira, Infarmed
Marta de Oliveira Ferreira, Portuguese Society of Cosmetic Sciences (SPCC)
Mark SMITH, NATRUE – International Natural & Organic Cosmetics Association
13h15-15h00 Lunch (not provided)
15h00-16h00 SESSION 2 – Next-Gen Cosmetics: Pushing the Boundaries with Technology
Chair: Catarina Rosado, CBIOS, Lusófona University
15h00-15h30 Conference - A Decade Without Animal Testing: Progress and Reflections
Ana Palmeira de Oliveira, Research Centre of Health Sciences (CICS), Beira Interior University (UBI)
Oral communications
15h30-15h45 Cosmetic Innovations: Enhancing Skincare for Xeroderma Pigmentosum with Rutin- Loaded Cerosomes - João Vieira
15h45-16h00 Affordable and Eco-Friendly Innovations: 3D-Printed Personalized Hydrogel Patches for Skin Lesion Prevention - Angélica Graça
16h00-17h00 Networking coffee-break, poster and exhibition visit
17h00-18h30 SESSION 3 - The Next Frontier: AI and Digitalization in Cosmetics
Chair: Liliana Teles, Critical Catalyst
17h00-17h45 Conference - The Future of AI and Digital Transformations in Cosmetics
​ Rui Santos António e Bruno Silva, ABP Consultancy
Oral communications
17h45-18h00 How reliable is ChatGPT information about cosmetic products and ingredients? - Ana Torres
18h00-18h15 Digitalization of cosmetic labelling for compliance with allergens disclosure under Regulation (EU) 2023/1545 - Marta Filipa Ramalho Pinto
18h15-18h30 Awards and Closing Session
Marta de Oliveira Ferreira, President of the Portuguese Society of Cosmetic Sciences (SPCC)
Skin microbioma- more than a claim - Elena Ilinca, Timo Dijkstra - Keyser & Mackay
In the past years, skin microbiota has become a hot topic in cosmetics, however it’s still largely unknown. During this presentation we’ll explain the bases of skin microbiota and discuss ingredients particularly focused on recovering the protective function of skin's microbiota that is growing into one of the fundamental pillars of modern formulation with the aim of counteracting the unbalancing effect of preservatives on the skin and increase the formula’s performance.
Raman spectroscopy – new applications on skin in-vivo evaluation - Pedro Contreiras Pinto - PHd Trials
Raman Spectroscopy is a very powerful and non-invasive optical method technique that enables to evaluate the skin at a molecular level. Based on this technique, several methodologies were developed allowing us to measure interesting parameters of the skin, opening the possibility to new applications and investigations, such as the evaluation of an ingredient penetration, water content assessment and the analysis of skin composition profile.
Redefining Beauty: Smart solutions for digital generation - Agnès Subirats, Eugenia Alvaro - Inquiaroma
Discover how the latest trends can help create products that fit with Gen Z's values and lifestyle. We will explore how innovative active ingredients are meeting the unique needs of the digital generation and examine powerful ingredients that are ethical, effective, and eco-friendly, making beauty products better and more sustainable.
In addition, we will highlight an innovative new texture that offers an enjoyable beauty experience with exciting sensations that Generation Z loves.
Join us to see how the future of beauty is being shaped by this influential generation.
Deciphering Clinical Data: Transforming Findings into Tangible Claims - Marta Ferreira - Inovapotek
Clinical data is a stable resource used in most of the health and medical research and is considered the foundation upon which evidence-based allegation rests. As part of the clinical decision-making process, several different sources of evidence based on clinical data can be considered, however not all data are equivalent or of equal quality. Beyond the different sources of evidence, it is possible to set up three major ones: experimental studies, observational studies and systematic reviews. All these sources can contribute significantly to the research and development field but is indeed mandatory the development of strategies to assess the quality of evidence for claims, effectiveness, and applicability. Deciphering this whole world is what is purposed over this lecture, specially how this is applicable to the cosmetic field and how to interpret results in order to get the final desired claims.
Revolutionizing Cosmetic Production: Energy-Saving Technologies and Turnkey Solutions - Lorenzo Gatti - Marchesini Group
Discover the future of cosmetic manufacturing with Marchesini Group Beauty at Tech Focus. Learn about our cutting-edge mixing technologies that prioritize energy efficiency and turnkey plant solutions. Experience the precision of our primary and secondary packaging machines, paired with advanced cosmetic vision systems and see how our innovative layouts of complete cosmetic lines can revolutionize your production processes. Join us to explore how MG Beauty is shaping the next generation of cosmetic technology.



Alexandra Moreira
Alexandra da Costa Moreira, has performed, from 1th of October of 2015 until February of 2022, functions as a Health Products Market Surveillance Technician - cosmetics area- in the Health Products Directorate of INFARMED, I.P. Since that date, she was appointed as Functional Coordinator of the cosmetic products area. National representative, in the field of cosmetic products, in the Sub-working group on Borderline Products, PEMSAC-Subgroup on Market Surveillance and subgroup on Cosmetovigilance and the European Committee for Cosmetics and Consumer Health (CD-P-COS). Between 2/8/2004-30/09/2015 she worked as an Official Veterinary (Inspector) in the General Directorate of Food and Veterinary (DGAV).
Safety Assessment of Cosmetics in the EU -Training Course (2020); Master's degree in Regulation and Evaluation of Medicine and Health Products from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Lisbon (2019), Integrated Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon (2015), Conclusion of the curricular part of the "II Master's degree in Food Safety and Public Health of the Center for Research and Training in Food Safety and Quality (NISQA) of the Higher Institute of Health Sciences of southern Egas Moniz (2007), Postgraduate in "Quality and Food Safety Management of the Center for Research and Training in Food Safety and Quality (NISQA) of the Higher Institute of Southern Health Sciences Egas Moniz (2005) and a Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Technical University of Lisbon (2003).
Ana Maria Couras
Presidente Executiva da AIC, eleita pela primeira vez como Presidente da Direção em novembro de 1997, ou seja, há mais de 25 anos.
Ana Maria Couras é licenciada em Engenharia de Produção Industrial – Ramo de Engenharia Química, pela Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Univ. NOVA de Lisboa.
De 1987 a 1992, foi Secretária-Geral da Associação Portuguesa dos Fabricantes de Tintas e Vernizes
De 1993 a 1994, foi Secretária-Geral da Associação dos Industriais de Sabões, Detergentes e Produtos de Conservação e Limpeza (AISDPCL)
Desde 1994, é Diretora-Geral da FIOVDE – Federação Portuguesa das Indústrias de Óleos Vegetais, Derivados e Equiparados. Nesta Federação estão filiadas 4 Associações. Por inerência do cargo que desempenha na FIOVDE, é também Secretária-Geral de 3 dessas Associações, designadamente:
- Associação dos Industriais de Cosmética, Perfumaria e Higiene Corporal (AIC)
- Associação dos Industriais de Sabões Detergentes e Produtos de Conservação e Limpeza (AISDPCL)
- Associação Portuguesa de Aerossóis
Desde novembro de 1997, Ana Maria Couras tem sido (re)eleita Presidente da Direção da AIC.
Desde 2005, é Membro do Board da AISE – Associação Europeia dos Detergentes e Produtos de Conservação e Limpeza – em representação de Portugal e Espanha.

Ana Palmeira de Oliveira
Ana Palmeira-de-Oliveira completed her Ph.D during 2012 (microbiology) at University of Beira Interior, Portugal and MSc. (2009) at Faculty of Pharmacy University of Porto, Portugal.
Ana is invited professor at Faculty of Health Sciences in University of Beira Interior and auhor and co-author of several ISI and Scopus papers and her work has been disseminated in distinct international congresses by both oral and poster communications.
Ana is co-owner and general manager of Labfit & Pharmapoli, two facilities of the company HPRD Lda that provides CRO and CMO services for health companies worldwide.
Ana completed the course of safety assessor for cosmetic products and different courses on medical devices regulation and technical documentation.
Ana is president of the Beira Baixa regional business association – AEBB and the Portuguese Cosmetic Cluster – CC.PT
Bruno Silva
Licenciado em Gestão de Empresas. Iniciou a sua atividade profissional no sector das Tecnologias de Informação em 1998. Tem uma vasta experiência em gestão de negócios relacionados com este sector de atividade, gestão de equipas, logística e processos, recursos humanos, planeamento e gestão de orçamento, planeamento estratégico e compras. Especialização nas áreas das tecnologias de informação aplicadas ao negócio dos clientes, como consultor e implementador de soluções em diversas sectores de atividade como, banca e seguros, património, alimentação e bebidas, logística e transportes, turismo, hotelaria, realho, automóvel, indústria agrícola, finanças, biotecnologia e farmacêutica. Ingressou na ABP Consultancy em 2023 como Principal Consultant, na gestão dos projetos e desenvolvimento de negócio na área da Transformação Digital e Automação, para o mercado Ibérico (Portugal e Espanha). Para além deste mercado, participa nas iniciativas comerciais e de projeto que a ABP implementa em países nos quais não tem presença física, incluindo Angola e Moçambique

Mark Smith
Mark holds a MChem (Hons) degree in Chemistry and an interdisciplinary PhD. between chemistry and genetics. Prior to his appointment at NATRUE in 2014, Mark gained significant research expertise holding key roles in the fields of biotechnology (Leeds, UK) and the biomedical/pharmaceutical sector (Montréal, Canada). Assuming the role of Director General in July 2016, Mark is responsible for the general management of NATRUE on a day-to-day basis, while also playing a lead role in all political, regulatory, and scientific affairs of the association including representing NATRUE at international public or private organisations and institutions. Mark is also a co-chair of the UK Sustainable Beauty Coalition."
Marta de Oliveira Ferreira
General Manager and Technical Director of Inovapotek – a Contract Research Organization providing customized R&D, Testing, Regulatory and Consulting Services to the Personal Care, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices and Food Supplements Industries – and President of the Portuguese Society of Cosmetic Sciences. Holds a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences and a master’s degree in Pharmaceutical Technology and has 15 years of experience in cosmetics product development, testing and regulatory affairs.

Rui Santos António é licenciado em Informática, pela Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, tendo iniciado o seu percurso profissional no sector das Tecnologias de Informação em 1993.
Foi um dos co-fundadores, no ano 2000, da empresa STEP - Tecnologias de Informação, especializada na área de Gestão Documental e de Processos, à frente da qual se manteve até janeiro de 2021, data em que a empresa passou a integrar o grupo inglês ABP Consultancy. Assumiu, em 2022, a responsabilidade pela gestão e desenvolvimento do negócio desta empresa no mercado Ibérico (Lisboa e Madrid), sendo também a partir do escritório de Lisboa que a ABP implementa os seus projetos de Transformação Digital e Automação em países nos quais não tem presença física, incluindo Angola e Moçambique.

Carlos Maurício Barbosa
Graduated in Pharmaceutical Sciences and PhD in Pharmacy, specialising in Pharmaceutical Technology;
Specialist in Regulatory Affairs by the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society / Order of Pharmacists of Portugal;
Professor of Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics at the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (Portugal);
President of the General Assembly of Portuguese Society of Cosmetic Sciences (SPCC);
President of the National Committee for Pharmaceutical Internship at the Central Administration of the Health System, I.P. (appointed by the Ministry of Health);
Counsellor of the National Council of Ethics for the Life Sciences (appointed by the Portuguese Parliament);
Counsellor of the National Health Council;
President of the Council for Innovation of the Portuguese Association of Health Engineering and Management (APEG-Saúde);
Vice-President of the Board of the Iberoamerican Scientific-Professional Society of Community Pharmacy;
Member of External Assessment Committees of the Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education;
Member of the External Monitoring Committee of the Doctoral Program in Enterprise of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Coimbra (Portugal);
Former President of the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Society / Order of the Portuguese Pharmacists;
Former Counsellor of the Portuguese Education Council.

Catarina Rosado é licenciada em Ciências Farmacêuticas pela Universidade de Coimbra e doutorada em Tecnologia Farmacêutica pela Universidade de Cardiff, Reino Unido. Desenvolveu a sua carreira na Universidade Lusófona, onde é atualmente Professora Associada e lidera o laboratório de investigação Formulation Strategies and Nanosolutions no CBIOS.A sua investigação tem explorado ingredientes de origem natural para produtos farmacêuticos e cosméticos, com foco principal naqueles obtidos através de estratégias sustentáveis e de upcycling (por exemplo, celulose bacteriana, óleo de biomassa de insetos e resíduos de licor de cereja). O seu trabalho também tem incidido sobre as metodologias não invasivas de avaliação da segurança e eficácia de cosméticos. Uma das suas principais paixões é promover a literacia em saúde na área dos cosméticos, ajudando os consumidores a tomarem decisões informadas e fornecendo conhecimento baseado em ciência a vários stakeholders (indústria, médicos, reguladores, esteticistas, associações de pacientes).

Liliana Teles é Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas (Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto) e Mestre em Medicina Farmacêutica (Universidade de Aveiro), atua há mais de 10 anos na área de desenvolvimento de produto, garantia de qualidade e assuntos regulamentares para a indústria cosmética a nível global. Contando com uma Pós-Graduação em Cosmetologia Avançada (Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade de Lisboa) e certificação pela Vrije Universiteit Brussels, é especialista em avaliação de segurança de produtos cosméticos. Desde 2018, é Diretora da empresa Critical Catalyst – Health Consulting, Lda onde trabalha em estreita colaboração com fabricantes, distribuidores e importadores de marcas cosméticas localizadas em todo o mundo para garantir a conformidade regulamentar e o acesso seguro ao mercado.